Privacy Statement

The policy statement of the International Journal of Contemporary Business Literature (IJCBL) outlines comprehensive guidelines governing various aspects of manuscript submission, peer review, publication ethics, and author responsibilities. It encompasses detailed policies on the frequency of journal issues, submission guidelines for research articles, peer review procedures, originality and plagiarism standards, subscription details, ethical considerations, privacy protection, author agreements, publication timelines, article processing fees, conflict of interest disclosure, correction and retraction protocols, and author contributions. These policies ensure transparency, integrity, and quality in the scholarly publishing process, fostering a supportive environment for researchers and maintaining the journal's credibility within the academic community.

  1. Frequency of Journal

IJCBL publishes one issue annually, with new volumes released in December every year.

  1. Guidelines for Submission of Research Articles

Authors are invited to submit original research articles, literature reviews, and conceptual papers relevant to contemporary business literature. Submissions must adhere to the journal's formatting guidelines and be submitted electronically through the journal's online submission system. Authors should ensure that their submissions comply with ethical standards and originality requirements. The submission process through OJS involves the following steps:

Registration: Authors need to register an account on the IJCBL OJS platform before submitting their manuscripts. Registration is free and provides authors with a personalized dashboard to track their submissions.

Submission Preparation: Before submitting their manuscript, authors should ensure that it adheres to the journal's formatting guidelines, including style, structure, and referencing. Detailed instructions for formatting can be found on the journal's website.

Manuscript Submission: Once registered, authors can log in to their OJS account and initiate the submission process. They will be guided through a series of steps to input metadata, upload their manuscript file, and provide supplementary materials such as figures, tables, and supplementary data files, if applicable.

Metadata Input: Authors are required to input metadata details for their submission, including title, abstract, keywords, author information, affiliations, and funding sources (if any). Providing accurate metadata ensures proper indexing and discoverability of the manuscript.

File Upload: Authors must upload their manuscript file in a compatible format (e.g., Microsoft Word or PDF) through the OJS submission interface. Any supplementary files should also be uploaded at this stage.

Confirmation: After completing the submission process, authors will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of their manuscript. The manuscript will undergo an initial assessment to ensure compliance with the journal's submission guidelines.

Peer Review: Submissions that meet the journal's criteria will be assigned to appropriate reviewers for evaluation. The peer review process is double-blind, ensuring anonymity for both authors and reviewers. Reviewers will assess the manuscript's quality, originality, significance, methodology, and clarity.

Author Notification: Authors will be notified of the outcome of the peer review process, including any recommendations for revisions or decisions regarding acceptance or rejection. Authors may be asked to address reviewer comments and revise their manuscript accordingly.

Revision and Resubmission: If revisions are requested, authors should carefully address the reviewer comments and revise their manuscript accordingly. Revised manuscripts should be submitted through the OJS platform, along with a response letter detailing the changes made in response to reviewer feedback.

Final Acceptance: Upon satisfactory completion of the revision process, the manuscript will undergo a final editorial review. Once accepted, authors will receive instructions for preparing their manuscript for publication, including formatting requirements and copyright transfer agreements.

Publication: Accepted manuscripts will be scheduled for publication in the next available issue of IJCBL. The final published version will be made accessible through the journal's website and indexed in relevant databases for broader dissemination.

  1. Peer Review Policy

All submissions undergo a rigorous peer-review process by experts in the relevant field. The review process is double-blind to ensure impartiality and confidentiality. Reviewers evaluate submissions based on academic rigor, originality, significance, methodology, and clarity. Authors receive feedback and recommendations from reviewers to enhance the quality of their manuscripts.

  1. Originality and Plagiarism Policy

IJCBL is committed to publishing original research. Submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the authors and must not have been previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Plagiarism, in any form, is strictly prohibited, and manuscripts found to contain plagiarized content will be rejected. Authors submitting manuscripts to IJCBL must adhere to the following guidelines:

Original Work: Submitted manuscripts must represent the original work of the authors. Authors should ensure that their work has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere. Any prior publications or submissions containing overlapping content must be disclosed to the editors.

Attribution and Citations: Proper attribution should be given to all sources used in the manuscript, including ideas, data, and language. Authors must cite relevant literature and provide appropriate references to support their arguments and findings. Failure to attribute sources constitutes plagiarism and is unacceptable.

Plagiarism Check: All submitted manuscripts undergo a thorough plagiarism check using reliable plagiarism detection software. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is free from any form of plagiarism, including verbatim copying, paraphrasing, or self-plagiarism.

Self-Plagiarism: Authors should avoid duplicating significant portions of their own previously published work without proper citation and acknowledgment. Self-plagiarism, also known as text recycling or redundant publication, is considered unethical and undermines the integrity of scholarly publishing.

Permission for Reuse: Authors should obtain permission from copyright holders for the reuse of any previously published material, including figures, tables, and excerpts of text. Proper acknowledgment should be given to the original source, and permission documentation should be provided upon submission if applicable.

Peer Review Integrity: During the peer review process, reviewers are instructed to evaluate the originality of submitted manuscripts and report any concerns regarding plagiarism or intellectual property infringement to the editors. Editors will take appropriate action if plagiarism is suspected, including rejection of the manuscript and notification of the author's institution.

Consequences of Plagiarism: Manuscripts found to contain plagiarized content will be rejected outright or returned to the authors for revisions and proper citation. In cases of severe plagiarism or academic misconduct, the editors may impose additional sanctions, including suspension of future submissions and notification of relevant academic institutions or organizations.

Appeals and Disputes: Authors have the right to appeal decisions related to plagiarism or misconduct. Appeals should be submitted in writing to the journal's editorial office, accompanied by supporting evidence and documentation. The editorial board will review appeals thoroughly and make a final determination based on the merits of the case.

  1. Subscription Details

IJCBL offers both individual and institutional subscriptions free of cost. Subscription is free to share the knowledge in scholars’ community and readers.

  1. Ethical Guidelines

Authors are expected to adhere to ethical standards in research and publication. This includes obtaining necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material, disclosing conflicts of interest, and ensuring the integrity of research findings. Plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification of data are unacceptable practices.

  1. Privacy Statement

IJCBL respects the privacy of authors, reviewers, and readers. Personal information collected during the submission and review process will be used solely for the purpose of manuscript processing and will not be shared with third parties without consent.

  1. Author Agreement Form

Authors are required to sign an agreement form in OJS system upon submission, affirming that the manuscript is original, has not been previously published, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The agreement also outlines copyright policies and author responsibilities.


  1. Deadlines and Timelines

Paper Submission Deadline: Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts by month of June every year.

Review of Articles: After acceptance of manuscript at editor desk, peer review typically takes 4-6 months from the date of submission.

Acceptance of Articles: Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection within 4-6 months of submission.

Publication of Articles: Accepted articles are published in the next available issue following acceptance. IJCBL publishes issue on 31 December every year.

  1. Article Processing/Publication Fee

IJCBL does not charge authors any fees for manuscript processing or publication. The journal operates on an open-access model, ensuring free access to published content for readers worldwide.

  1. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the interpretation of their research findings or recommendations. Conflicts of interest include financial interests, affiliations, or personal relationships that could bias the work.

  1. Correction and Retraction of Research Articles

In cases of errors or misconduct, IJCBL follows established protocols for issuing corrections or retractions. Corrections are published promptly to rectify errors, while retractions are reserved for serious ethical violations or irreproducible findings.

  1. Contribution and Consents of Each Author

All authors must have made substantial contributions to the research presented in the manuscript and agree to be listed as authors. Authors are responsible for obtaining consent from all individuals named in the manuscript, including co-authors and participants.